Further in this document: Website means a website with all its elements and subpages available at (or any other URL that may replace it in the future).
Users means visitors of the Website.
1. The Privacy Policy of the Website may change at any time, User is required to read its content whenever any doubts occur.
2. Website uses so-called "cookies", these are text files stored on the User computer that allow you to track Internet activity.
3. Website uses "cookies" mainly for statistical purposes (Google Analytics).
4. Website may saves and uses IP addresses of the Users collected during internet connections for technical, administrative and statistical purposes.
5. In special cases, Website Owner may use IP addresses to block the use of the Website.
6. In special cases, e.g. law violations, IP addresses of the Users may be forwarded to the competent judicial authorities as an evidence.
More information about cookie files can be found at